MASSIVE v2.0 update

yo yo yo its ya boy with another dope ass gkfasftgmfas update out here man. first off, i am not dead and i have not been dead for the past two months. i have been working extremely hard on this new dope ass update for the best battle royale game out here man. this classical update has many enhancements to the gameplay and the graphics and makes the game feel like a new experience. that is why i would like someone to gift me ac odyssey on steam to pay for my hard work. now, for the update:

-added in house volumetric lighting (NOT the free Aura asset from the unity asset store). this took about 3700 man hours, or 3 years, to implement

-removed in house motion blur (NOT the motion blur in the unity post processing stack from the unity asset store). this took about 50 man hours, or ten seconds, to implement

and that's it. no actual gameplay changes. dont forget to download and smash the gift button on the ac odyssey store page


Oct 27, 2018

Get Generic knight from asset store falls through generic mountain from asset store


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oh also the allahu akbar song was removed and replaced with "Prince Harry" by the talented Grant Macdonald